
Phullen Historical Society

The Phullen Historical Society hereafter referred to as “Society” was organized by the like-minded citizen of Phullen community with common zeal and objectives on 1st April, 2018.

This constitution, approved and adopted by its first General Meeting on 1st April, 2018 on recommendation by the Executive Committee in accordance with the provisions made on Article VIII of the Constitution which came into force on 1st April, 2018.

Article I
Name of the Society and Area of Operation:

A.     Name of the Society:      Phullen Historical Society

B.      Area of Operation            :           The area of operation shall be Phullen and its surrounding.

C.      Registered Office :           Phullen, Aizawl District, Mizoram.

Article II
Office Bearer, Executive Committee and General Assembly:

A.     Office Bearer: The following shall constitute the Office bearers of the Society:
a.      Chairman
b.      Vice Chairman
c.       Secretary
d.      Asst. Secretary
e.      Treasurer
f.        Fin. Secretary
g.      Information Secretary

B.      Executive Committee: The Executive Committee of the Society shall consist of the following members:
a.      The Elected Office Bearers
b.      Not more than ten (10) members selected by the Office Bearers from the Society members to serve as the Executive Committee members.
c.       The Senior Advisors

C.      Quorum: One-Third of the total members of the Executive Committee shall form the Quorum of the Executive Committee meeting of the Society.

D.     Senior Adviser(s): Not more than 5 (five) Senior adviser (s) may be elected from the following:
a.      Members of the Society
b.      Citizen with outstanding qualification

E.      General Assembly: The Society shall have a General Assembly once every year with one month’s written notice. If the need so arises, additional Special Assemblies may be held in between the regular. General Assemblies with one month’s notice on approved of the 2/3 Executive Committee. The Office Bearers, Senior Adviser(s) and all members of the Agency shall comprise the General Assembly which has the final authority on the review of the aims and objectives of the Society, on matter relating to the Society’s Constitution and By-laws and even in dissolving the Society.

Article III

A.     Membership: Any resident of the Phullen community or other party interested in the mission of the Society may become a member regardless of race, colour, creed, religion, sex, is eligible for membership on payment of the existing membership fees after screening by the Executive Committee.  Members have a vote in Society elections and consequential matters the office bearers deems necessary to bring before the Membership.

a.      Membership fee               :           Rs. 100
b.      Annual Membership fee  :           Rs. 50

B.     Termination of Membership:
a.      A member of Office Bearer except the founders shall be disqualified from his/her post if he/she is found engaging in activities prejudicial to the Society.
b.      Any member of the Society may be disqualified by the Executive Committee if he/she fails to pay the annual membership fee for two or more consecutive years.
c.       If any member submit a written resignation to the Society.
d.      If He/she is dead.

C.     Re-Admission:
a.      The Executive Committee can decide the re-admission of the membership.

Article IV

A.     The General Assembly shall elect members of the Office Bearers only from the Official Nominees made by the Executive Committee for each post for a term of three years. Simple majority of vote shall be declared as elected.

B.      Mode of Election: The Society shall practice the secret ballot system of election. One month’s written notice is required for holding regular election and any other election to fill up vacated post(s).

C.      Vacating elected Post(s) or Termination from elected Post (s): If any member of the elected post desires to vacate his/her post for personal reason, he/she is required to inform the Committee in writing. The Executive Committee shall be convened within one month from receipt of request to assess the request. Decisions will be made by the Executive Committee to reject/grant such request and to appoint vacated posts for the remaining period of the vacated post.

D.     No members shall be eligible for election to the Office Bearers of the Society, if he/she-
a.      Is in default to the Society or to any other registered organization in respect of loan taken by him.
b.      Is proved to be not eligible for election in the interest of the Society and its activities.

Article V
Responsibilities of the Elected Officials & Senior Advisor:

I.                 Chairman: The Chairman will chair the Committee. He/She may assign the Vice Chairman to chair the Committee if he/she desires. From time to time, he/she shall inform the secretary to call the Committee. He/She shall be the second signatory in the Society’s Bank account and shall have a general control over all the affairs of the Society.

II.               Vice Chairman: He/she shall assist the Chairman whenever necessary and shall take responsibility of presiding over the meeting and other such duties normally performed by the Chairman in the absence of the Chairman.

III.             Senior Advisers: They shall advise the Society from time to time.

IV.            Secretary: He/she shall call committee from time to time in consultation with the Chairman. He/she is to record and follow-up on all the Committee decision.

V.              Assistant Secretary: He/she shall assist the Secretary as per the direction of the Executive Committee.

VI.            Treasurer: He/she shall be the first signatory in the bank accounts of the Society to operate and maintain the accounting a professional standard. He/she shall be responsible for timely payment of any/all employee(s) of the Society. He/she shall draw money from the account only on authorization of the Executive Committee.

VII.          Financial Secretary: He/she shall maintain proper record of all receipt and payment of the Society’s financial matters. Prepare receipt and expenditure statement and to perform all the duties of treasurer in the absence of the later.

Article VI
Aims & Objective:

1.         To create awareness in the community about the importance of preserving, protecting and restoring the Historical Monuments of our past to the future generations of people.

2.         To protect, preserve, safeguard and restore all the Historical Monuments, Heritage structures and Heritage sites found in the Phullen and its surrounding.

3.         To protect, preserve, and restore the old burial sites, old cemeteries, hero stones, monuments, memorials site and tombs of the previous men who set food on the soil of Phullen.

4.         To undertake historical research into people, sites, buildings, event or issues and to participate in activities aimed at promoting, commemorating and, where relevant, preserving and conserving them.

5.         To interact with the community and the Government in preservation and restoration of Historic and Heritage structures and sites in Phullen, Mizoram.

6.         To help and work with the Government agencies like Archaeological Survey of India and the State Archaeological Departments in preserving the various monuments and heritage structures found in Phullen, Mizoram.

7.         To publish and encourage publications of various articles about the history of Phullen, Heritage of Phullen and its historical significance in the History of the whole area or region in the local news papers and monthly magazines.

8.         To provide help and make youth to improve their history knowledge and to acquire more interest to understand the importance of history & heritage of Phullen.

9.         To organize Historical Meetings, Retreats, Seminars on History Programmes.

10.       The society will not carry on any activity with the intention of earning profit.

11.       The Phullen Historical Society of Phullen is managed by the Office Bearers that operates under the Society’s Constitution.

Article VII
Matters relating to Finance:

A.     Any and every financial assistance received in the name of the Society in the form of cash, kinds as subsidy, grant, etc., shall be utilized for the specific purpose only and also for the promotion of the aims and objectives of the Society.

B.      In case of cash received for financing the Society’s Project, the Society shall make the account accessible to the donor-agency or any authorized party.

C.      The financial receipts and payment of the Society shall be transacted through the Chairman or person so authorized by the executive committee.

D.     The Society’s account shall be audited by qualified auditor (Chartered Accountant or persons approved by the Registrar, Firm & Societies) every year.

E.      Any moveable/immovable property shall be registered in the name of the Society.

F.      Copy of the audited account of the Society shall be made available to the Executive Committee and to the concerned authority.

G.     Financial year of the Society shall start from 1st April to 31st March, every year.

H.     Bank account of the Society shall be operated by joint signatures of Treasurer, Secretary and Chairman.

I.        The Society shall keep proper books of accounts in which all sums of money received, source thereof, expenditure and object or purpose, the assets and liabilities of the Society shall be entered.

J.        All the members of the Society shall have the right to inspect Books of accounts and proceedings of the meetings of the Society if and when required.

Article VIII
Property of the Society  & Gift:

A.     All property belonging to a Society shall vest in the Governing Body of the Society but shall be referred to as the property of the Society. The Society shall maintain register for recording details of the properties.

B.      Any kind of gift received from any person for a specific purpose shall not be used for any other purpose without consent of the donors or Registrar, Firms & Societies.

Article VIII
Submission of Annual Report/Returns:

A.                 Once in every year a list of the Governing Body of the current year, annual activities report certified by Chairman and Secretary and auditor’s report and balance sheet for the previous year duly audited and signed by qualified auditors shall be filed in the office of the Registrar, Firm & Societies, Mizoram, Aizawl as it is required under section 18 of the Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005.

Article VIII
Constitution Amendment

If the need so arises to amend the Society’s Constitution on recommendation by the Executive Committee provided that a two month’s notice is given to the members, the General Assembly may amend any of the provision the Constitution by a majority of three-fourths of the members present and voting in the Assembly. This will be in accordance with Section 9 of the Society Registration Act, 2005.

Article IX
Legal Matters

A.     In all legal matters such as court cases, the Chairman or the authorized member of the Society shall represent the Society to act on behalf of, for and in the interest of the Society.

B.      The Society shall provide 100 % financial assistance in the case of indemnification among the members while discharging assigned responsibilities and duties.

C.      The Society shall sue and be sued in the name of the Society.

Article X
Dissolution of the Society

A.     If the Society needs to be dissolved, it shall be dissolved as per provisions laid down under the Section 25 & 28 of the Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005.

B.      In case of dissolution, all the assets, financial and material properties of the Society shall be transferred to one of the Government approved sister-Societies as may be decided by the Mizoram Government.


All the provisions under all the Sections of the Mizoram Societies Registration Act, 2005 shall be applicable to this Society.

Certified that this is the correct copy of the Rules and Regulations of the Phullen Historical Society

(  VANTHUAMPUIA )                ( MALSAWMDAWNGKIMA )           ( LALBUATSAIHA )
         Chairman                                          Treasurer                                           Secretary


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